Facing Post-War Urban Heritage in Central and Eastern Europe
6-7 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary
The second doctoral conference organised by the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
Throughout Europe, current urban challenges are posed by large-scale ensembles of modernity as a result of post-war development on both sides of the Iron Curtain. The urb/doconf 2017 is the second in a series of a doctoral / postdoctoral conference, to be organised on a biannual basis, which will provide a comparative overview of current doctoral research into the physical – built and natural – environment within Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).


🌍 Április 22-én, a Föld Napja alkalmából elindult kari cikksorozatunk a fenntarthatóságról „Zöld Perspektíva” néven! 🌍A nyitó beszélgetést Kiss Idával, a DVM Group volt tervezési üzletág igazgatójával és a New European Bauhaus szakértőjével olvashatjátok a honlapon. 👉 ... See MoreSee Less
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